Which Book Should I Order For My Child? The Junior Or Senior Edition?
Ultimately, you know your kiddo best. We have books geared towards the 3-6 and 7-10 age brackets, but these are really just a guide, based on ‘average’ abilities and interests. We've had kids 11 and 12 love the senior book too.
In terms of academic skill-level, the junior book primarily focuses on skills taught at pre-school and an early primary level. Things like pre-writing development, letters and numbers, colours, shape recognition and simple problem-solving.
The senior book focuses on skills developed in middle to later primary school. Things like writing, sight words, basic math's, general problem-solving and geography. As well as confidence building exercises and comprehension.
In each book the cultural content (the part that teaches your child about your chosen holiday destination) and the video content (the part that teaches your child the local language) is the same.
How Many Journal Pages Are There In The Travel Diary?
There are 15 x A4 diary pages, plus 2 x pages for holiday reflection where children can document their favourite meals, friends they met along the way etc.
We find the 17 pages are enough for holidays under 30 days, as typically (despite best intentions), children may miss documenting a day or two while away due to being worn out from a busy day of exploring!
The remaining pages contain educational content, activities, and QR codes that bring the video content to life.
Theres also plenty of space for photos.
How Does The Video Content Work?
Each of our Travel Diaries have QR codes embedded inside them.
All you need to do to bring the video content to life is hover a smartphone over the QR code(s), and a video that teaches your child the local language will load!
QR codes can be found on all language pages.
How Do I Get The Customisable Airline Ticket?
After purchasing your travel diary, you'll receive a link via email to the airline ticket template.
Got More Questions?
You can view our full Q&A HERE
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